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Ice Age Village v2.2.0 MOD APK+DATA (Mod Unlimited Money)

Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Ice Age Village v2.2.0 MOD APK+DATA (Mod Unlimited Money)

Ice Age Village Mod Unlimited Money Apk+Data 2.2.0

New in this version 2.2.0

  • New Sid mini-game available at level 30: Oh no, Sid’s dropped his dino egg! Swim down and avoid the perils that lie beneath to reunite Sid and his precious egg!
  • Make room at the holiday table for 9 new animal friends, including the Holiday Iguanodon, Rapto Claus, and more.
  • Get cozy in special winter habitats that are covered in snow.
  • We’ve done some housecleaning and installed a brand-new user interface to make things more vibrant and easy to use!
  • Minor bug fix (Hyrax Tree is fixed too)

Version: 2.2.0
Requires Android: 2.0 and Up
Google Play: Link
Category: Casual
Instruction: Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/data/ and Play

Download Mod Apk+Data